Interesting problem.
What you are asking for is the stabilization of the following discrete-time linear system:
| x(t+1)| = | 1 dt | | x(t)| + | 0 | u(t)
|xspeed(t+1)| | 0 1 | |xspeed(t)| | 1 |
where dt
is the sampling time and u(t)
is the quantity you addToXspeed()
. (Further, the system is subject to random disturbances on the first variable x
, which I don't show in the equation above.) Now if you "set the control input equal to a linear feedback of the state", i.e.
u(t) = [a b] | x(t)| = a*x(t) + b*xspeed(t)
then the "closed-loop" system becomes
| x(t+1)| = | 1 dt | | x(t)|
|xspeed(t+1)| | a b+1 | |xspeed(t)|
Now, in order to obtain "asymptotic stability" of the system, we stipulate that the eigenvalues of the closed-loop matrix are placed "inside the complex unit circle", and we do this by tuning a
and b
. We place the eigenvalues, say, at 0.5.
Therefore the characteristic polynomial of the closed-loop matrix, which is
(s - 1)(s - (b+1)) - a*dt = s^2 -(2+b)*s + (b+1-a*dt)
should equal
(s - 0.5)^2 = s^2 - s + 0.25
This is easily attained if we choose
b = -1 a = -0.25/dt
u(t) = a*x(t) + b*xspeed(t) = -(0.25/dt)*x(t) - xspeed(t)
which is more or less what appears in your own answer
targetxspeed = -x * FACTOR;
addToXspeed(targetxspeed - xspeed);
where, if we are asked to place the eigenvalues at 0.5, we should set FACTOR = (0.25/dt)