I'm reworking some PHP code to use PDO for the database access, but I'm running into a problem with a "WHERE... IN" query.
I'm trying to delete some things from a database, based on which items on a form are checked. The length and content of the list will vary, but for this example, imagine that it's this:
$idlist = '260,201,221,216,217,169,210,212,213';
Then the query looks like this:
$query = "DELETE from `foo` WHERE `id` IN (:idlist)";
$st = $db->prepare($query);
$st->execute(array(':idlist' => $idlist));
When I do this, only the first ID is deleted. (I assume it throws out the comma and everything after it.)
I've also tried making $idlist
an array, but then it doesn't delete anything.
What's the proper way to use a list of items in a PDO prepared statement?
edorian's answer worked for me, but I thought I'd elaborate a bit.
First, each of the check box names indicates that it's part of an array:
<input type="checkbox" name="foos[]" value="bar">
So on submission, I get a variable called $_POST['foos']
, which is an array of the values of all the checked boxes.
Then I can do this:
//As many question marks as array entries; the last one needs no comma
$questionmarks = str_repeat("?,", count($_POST['foos'])-1) . "?";
$query = "DELETE from `employee_customeraccount` WHERE `id` IN ($questionmarks)";
$st = $db->prepare($query);
//Each question mark is filled in with the next item in the array
It works!