Hi, I'm not sure why my code is not working.. I have code in vba in Access 03 which opens a word document which runs a mail merge process. When the code runs, it asks me what the Header Delimiters are. I specified those in the export file as a comma for a field delimiter and as the record delimiter. After I confirm this in word, I get a a run time error.
The error I'm getting is: Run-time error '5922': Word was unable to open the data source.
strExportFullyQualifiedName is a text file which is exported with the field names listed in there which is being used as a data source file.
I checked the links and verify, everything exists. The connection is not being made. strExportFullyQualifiedName is the location of the txt file.
With objWordDoc
.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
Name:=strExportFullyQualifiedName, Format:=wdOpenFormatAuto, _
ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, SubType:=wdMergeSubTypeAccess, AddToRecentFiles:=False
.MailMerge.Destination = wdSendToNewDocument
.MailMerge.MainDocumentType = wdDirectory
.MailMerge.SuppressBlankLines = True
End With
Thanks !