



How do I express this SQL query in a Django Queryset?

SELECT * FROM Table1, Table2 WHERE Table1.id_table2 = Table2.id_table2;

Be aware that the structure of table1 implyes a id_table2 foreign key...

Why? Because I want to replace the id_table2 in the Table1 table1.object.all() listing with values asociated to the register involved in the relation. Like this

Whithout relationship

| id_table1 | id_table2 | foo_field1 | bar_field1 |
| 1         | 1         | foo1       | foo2       |

With Relationship

| id_table1 | foo_field2*| foo_field1 | bar_field1 |
| 1         | foo2       | foo1       | foo2       |

*: foo_field2 means not only this related field, but all related fields of that register.

Thanks in advance!!!!


You cannot perform that query with the Django ORM. The best you can do is use select_related() to also pull the fields for the other table at the same time:

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams