



I am having trouble with this I have 3 Data tables i use over and over again which are cached I would like to write a LINQ statement which would do the following is this possible?


 ,B.[AID], B.[Data], B.[Status], B.[Language]
   SELECT A.[AID], A.[Data], A.[Status], A.[Language] FROM MY_TABLE_2 A  
   SELECT B.[AID], B.[Data], B.[Status], B.[Language] FROM MY_TABLE_3 B
  ) B on P.[AID] = B.[AID]
WHERE B.[Language] = 'EN' OR  B.[Language] = 'ANY' AND B.STATUS = 1 AND B.[Language] = 'EN' OR  B.[Language] = 'ANY' AND B.STATUS = 1

Then i would like it to create a result set of the following


+3  A: 

Try this:

from p in Context.MyTable1
join b in Contact.MyTable2.Concat(Contact.MyTable3)
  on p.aid equals b.aid
where b.Language == "EN" || b.Language == "ANY"
where b.Status == 1
select new
Nick Craver
Context.MyTable1 ? where did context come from all of a sudden?
@BlackTea - Usually if you're dealing with LINQ it's within a DataContext(Linq-to-Sql, EF, etc), if you're dealing with straight lists or whatever it works the same way...just use whatever objects you're going against.
Nick Craver
My Tables are Cached DataTable results.... which are loaded on Application Start. so your saying just Concat the two tables together?
@BlackTea - Yes `.Concat()` will append the two tables, equal to a `UNION ALL` in the SQL world.
Nick Craver
+2  A: 

Don't do it this way.

Your two options

  1. Create a view which represents your Union statement (Table2 and Table3)
  2. Create a relationship on the DBML between Table1 and the new view on the AID column.
  3. Do a SelectMany to get your required return result.

or (and preferred)

  • Create a stored procedure that accepts the language / status (assuming they are parameters) and returns this data set. This will be the most efficient method.

You are doing database work in your business logic! Use the database for what it was intended.

Kirk Broadhurst
I can't do it on the DB this is my problem i need to work with cached data as is no DB interaction.
+1  A: 

Make sure you reference System.Data.DataSetExtensions, and use the AsEnumerable() method to use LINQ to DataSets.

            var myTable1 = new [] { 
            new { CID = "123", AID = 345, Data = 32323, Status = 1, Language = "EN"},
            new { CID = "231", AID = 123, Data = 11525, Status = 2, Language = "EN"},
            new { CID = "729", AID = 513, Data = 15121, Status = 1, Language = "ANY"},
            new { CID = "231", AID = 123, Data = 54421, Status = 2, Language = "EN"}}

        var myTable2 = new [] { 
            new { CID = "512", AID = 513, Data = 32323, Status = 1, Language = "ANY"},
            new { CID = "444", AID = 123, Data = 11525, Status = 2, Language = "BLAH"},
            new { CID = "222", AID = 333, Data = 15121, Status = 1, Language = "ANY"},
            new { CID = "111", AID = 345, Data = 54421, Status = 2, Language = "EN"}}

         var myTable3 = new [] { 
            new { CID = "888", AID = 123, Data = 32323, Status = 2, Language = "EN"},
            new { CID = "494", AID = 333, Data = 11525, Status = 1, Language = "FR"},
            new { CID = "202", AID = 513, Data = 15121, Status = 1, Language = "EN"},
            new { CID = "101", AID = 345, Data = 54421, Status = 2, Language = "ANY"}}

         var q = from p in myTable1
                 join b in myTable2.Union(myTable3) on p.Field<int>("AID") equals b.Field<int>("AID")
                 where (b.Field<string>("Language") == "EN" || b.Field<string>("Language") == "ANY") && b.Field<int>("Status") == 1
                 select new
                     CID = p.Field<string>("CID"),
                     B_AID = p.Field<int>("AID"),
                     P_AID = b.Field<int>("AID"),
                     Data = b.Field<int>("Data"),
                     Status = b.Field<int>("Status"),
                     Language = b.Field<string>("Language")

         var table = q.ToDataTable();

I used an extension method you can find here to test this, it's pretty useful if you are doing a lot of LINQ over DataTables.

Richard Hein