





I have a static dictionary which holds authentications for a web service. I'm running a timer (hence the TimerCallBack sig on the method below) to remove those authentications which have been dormant for a period.

I'm not quite sure of the locking behaviour I need in relation to linq. Here's my code thus. I'm slightly concerned that I may affect performance by using too many locks. e.g. Would it be better to just take a single writelock and no readlocks (even if no authentications had expired)?

private static void RemoveExpiredAuthentications(object o)
    var expired = from a in _authentications
                  where a.Value.LastAccessed.AddSeconds(expired_interval_secs) < DateTime.Now 
                  select a;
    using (new ReadLock(dictionaryLock)) {
         expired.Select(e => {
             using (new WriteLock(dictionaryLock)){

Many thanks


foreach (var auth in expired) {
    using (new WriteLock(dictionaryLock)){
        _authentications.Remove(e => e.Value.Token);


using (new WriteLock(dictionaryLock)){
    foreach (var auth in expired) {
        _authentications.Remove(e => e.Value.Token);

if you ndeed to lock until all items are removed.

Sometimes Linq is not the best choice, although, I have to admit, rarely.

Wow ... very quick. Many thx. Could you explain why please? Thx again
Simon Woods
+1  A: 

I would suggest working out everything you want to remove first, and then doing it all in one lock:

var itemsToRemove = expired.Select(e => e.Value.Token).ToList();

using (new WriteLock(dictionaryLock))
    foreach (var removal in itemsToRemove)

Aside from anything else, this means you won't be trying to remove an item from the dictionary while iterating over it.

(Just to check: is the key to each entry the same as the Token property value? If so, you can just use e.Key rather than e.Value.Token - that may be somewhat clearer.)

Jon Skeet
Wrt Token ... yes you are correct. Many thx
Simon Woods