



Does anyone have a copy of MSIINV.EXE (The MSI Inventory tool)? The site where it used to be available is down( I'm trying to uninstall some components in order to force the Visual Studio Setup to reinstall them. I apologize as this is not strictly a programming question but I figured anyone that has installed some of the Visual Studio beta stuff may have run into this problem as well.

+1  A: 

What does that tool do? Does it list the component GUIDs from an MSI? If so, I've found the DARK tool from WiX to do a pretty good job of telling me what's in an MSI.

Roger Lipscombe
Thank you so much Mr. Lipscombe. This does indeed appear to be what I needed.
Rodrick Chapman

The tool msiinv.exe what it really does is just list the GUI of all your installed MSI packages. You can use a file as an output.

Then the MSI Inventory tool will provide the needed GUI in order to run "msiexec.exe /x {B3A02601-8FE9-4108-8E95-D94171A2F8C8}" and uninstall the desired package.



+3  A: 

You can download msiinv.exe from here: Experimental Space


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