




I've been a PHP programmer for 3 years. I really want to improve myself and I think reading more helps, but I'm confused where to concentrate next. I have two choices, read more about database design and advanced SQL or should I read Code Complete fully?

+1  A: 

DB books will only bring you more knowledge about databases.

If you're more interested in improving the quality of your work in general, regardless of the technology, read Code Complete. It won't teach you any specific technology or technique, so you need to know why are you wanting to embrace what it can give you.

Of course, you should be ready for CC. You don't usually read it without having practiced for a while, better a long while.

Alternatively, "Pragmatic Programmer" maybe a good choice.

Developer Art

That really depends on you. Where do you feel your weaknesses are? Why not do both?

Failing that, which do you feel you understand better? Then read about the one you feel you know less about.


Actually, the best thing I can think of is to get a job, at a different place if you're employed, where they do more complex or different stuff then what you do now, And make sure there are there more experienced developers you can learn from.
People tends to forget/not understand things they learn but not implement.

Itay Moav
+2  A: 

If there is only 6 months left in your life - read Code Complete. Otherwise find out what you interested in more and rearrange your priorities. Make yourself a book list and constantly fill it. For example, you can watch mine: http://www.shelfari.com/shein_alexey/shelf.

Shein Alexey
Impressive reading list!
Michael Valenty