See the 'Note: Validation Context' on at this page. Zend_Form passes the context along to every Zend_Form_Element::isValid call as the second parameter. So simply write your own validator that analyzes the context.
Alright, I thought I'ld take a shot at this myself. It's not tested, nor is it a means to all ends, but it will give you a basic idea.
class My_Validator_OneFieldShouldBePresent extend Zend_Validator_Abstract
const NOT_PRESENT = 'notPresent';
protected $_messageTemplates = array(
self::NOT_PRESENT => 'Field %field% is not present'
protected $_messageVariables = array(
'field' => '_field'
protected $_field;
protected $_listOfFields;
public function __construct( array $listOfFields )
$this->_listOfFields = $listOfFields;
public function isValid( $value, $context = null )
if( !array( $context ) )
$this->_error( self::NOT_PRESENT );
return false;
foreach( $this->_listOfFields as $field )
if( isset( $context[ $field ] ) )
return true;
$this->_field = $field;
$this->_error( self::NOT_PRESENT );
return false;
$oneOfTheseFieldsShouldBePresent = array( 'companyname', 'companyother' );
$companyname = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('companyname');
$companyname->setLabel('Company Name');
$companyname->addValidator( new My_Validator_OneFieldShouldBePresent( $oneOfTheseFieldsShouldBePresent ) );
$companyother = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('companyother');
$companyother->setLabel('Company Other');
$companyname->addValidator( new My_Validator_OneFieldShouldBePresent( $oneOfTheseFieldsShouldBePresent ) );