how to make the windows app in vs 2008 unresizable?because when you launch the application and point and drag to its corners, the window grows.
Take a look on the properties of the window control in the properties window. You'll probably figure out how to do this + how to control few more staff about the window..
2010-03-07 00:44:08
Wrong UI framework.
Hans Passant
2010-03-07 01:50:50
Ah. It wasn't clear that he's using winforms.
Benny Jobigan
2010-03-07 02:47:52
Change the FormBorderStyle
to a fixed one, depends what look you want. Here's a full list of options, you probably want Fixed3D
or FixedSingle
You also probably want to set MaximizeBox
to false.
Both of these can be found in the designer as options on the form, or set in code, whichever you prefer.
Nick Craver
2010-03-07 00:45:39