



Hi I was wondering if there is any jquery function around which can take this dateTime "2010-10-18 10:06" and convert and split it returning "2010/10/18" and "10:06".

It would be also nice if the same function could either receive "2010-10-18 10:06" or "2010-10-18" only and return as mentioned above, or different formats besides "2010/10/18" like 18-10-2010" or and 18th of October 2010, giving the option but not that important, just curious about jQuery power dealing with dates.


+1  A: 

datejs. Check it, its cool and it does pretty good job for all the possibilities and error handling is also pretty good.

Teja Kantamneni
+2  A: 

Converting with DateJs should be as easy as:

var d1 = Date.parse('2010-10-18, 10:06 AM');
alert(d1.toString('dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT'));

It's currently the best library around

Marcos Placona
it says invalid procedure :-(, i copied your example
Cesar Lopez
Sorry I did not downloaded the datejs.
Cesar Lopez

take a look here

includes a function called fromString which would help you.
