




Is it normal, that declaring

NSString c="a sample string";

cannot work, and must declare it as NSString* ? It's different from C++ strings, am I right? Can it be generalized to other Obj-C objects?

+6  A: 

Because Objective-C objects are always pointers (which includes NSString)

Well, the variables are always pointers to the objects, anyway... The objects themselves are objects.

This goes back to proper code design even in C++, if you had a C++ string class and created it without a pointer than the entire data set would be stored on the stack, and when that variable would be copied all the members would be copied. In c++ there is operator overloading to make this work, so a class can override the assignment operator to properly copy the data of the class, in objective-c and normal c there is no operator overloading. So if you had... NSString a,b; and you did a = b; it would copy the value of all the members, which could be pointers to allocated strings in memory. In c++ your string class can overload the assignment so that when you do a = b it actually allocates a copy of the string into a instead of just a pointer to b's data. The reason this is important is imagine editing b's data, then possibly a would be partially updated as well(however the update wouldnt necesarily be correct depending on all the members that were changed in b, a could become partially invalid). By forcing things to be a pointer its very clear that NSString *a,*b; a = b. You know that a is just a pointer to b and if b is changed a is also changed.
