



Is there a simple way to check the type of an object? I need something along the following lines:

MyObject^ mo = gcnew MyObject();
Object^ o = mo;

if( o->GetType() == MyObject )
    // Do somethine with the object
    // Try something else

At the moment I'm using nested try-catch blocks looking for System::InvalidCastExceptions which feels ugly but works. I was going to try and profile something like the code above to see if it's any faster/slower/readable but can't work out the syntax to even try.

In case anyone's wondering, this comes from having a single queue entering a thread which supplied data to work on. Occasionally I want to change settings and passing them in via the data queue is a simple way of doing so.

+3  A: 

You should check out How to: Implement is and as C# Keywords in C++:

This topic shows how to implement the functionality of the is and as C# keywords in Visual C++.

Andrew Hare
Is there a way to do that with generics rather than templates so that the method can be used in external assemblies?
Jon Cage

edit: I will leave this here. But this answer is for C++. Probably not even slightly related to doing this for the CLI.

You need to compile with RTTI(Run Time Type Information) on. Then look at the wikipedia article and search google for RTTI. Should work for you.

On the other hand you might want to have a virtual base class for all your data classes with a member variable that describes what type it is.

+2  A: 

You can use MyObject::typeid in C++/CLI the same way as typeof(MyObject) is used in C#. Code below shamelessly copied from your question and modified ...

MyObject^ mo = gcnew MyObject();
Object^ o = mo;

if( o->GetType() == MyObject::typeid )
    // Do somethine with the object
    // Try something else
+1/Accept: That's perfect - thanks!
Jon Cage