



I am searching for an implementation of a locally adaptive method of binarization: Yankowitz/Bruckstein. It is complicated to make it by myself and I don't have much time right now, but hope to find it's realization. So if anybody knows please tell me.

+3  A: 

I found this code which does have the Yanowitz-Bruckstein binarization method in it and the project it is from also has code for many other binarization methods. You can download the code for the whole program (called Xite - a free Unix image processing tool) here. It's the xite.tar.gz file. I hope that helps.

Also, here is the source for a locally adaptive binarization method. I believe that the method is described in this paper which basically says that it is an efficient method based on Sauvola's method.

Justin Peel
Thank you very much!That is what I was searching for!
@maximus Glad I could help.
Justin Peel