



This is repost of my question on

As I need a a system with exposed API I can code against, I thing it's more suitable for here.

I'm after a very simple (in my eyes) opensource calendaring solution. The basic functionality I need is:

  1. provide readonly ICS feed (http/s/) (the way google cal provides it), so clients can subscribe to it. The users are not supposed to log in, and add events, or manipulate the calendars, just subscribe.
  2. API to create/delete users (and their calendars) - one calendar per user is enough
  3. API to manage (create, search, update, delete) events in users' calendars
  4. supports events in multiple timezones
  5. OS or programming language/platform are not relevant - anything is accepted

Basically I want to skip all the steps needed to create ICS myself.

The API in question can be web-based. And no, googlecal can not handle the amount of users/calendars I need to manage.

For what I need Zimbra looks like an overkill.

For an answer to be considered "good", and/or accepted, it has to list each of the above features, and how/if they are supported by the proposed solution.


Why not use Apple's Calendar Server. It's open source and based on CalDAV, which has an API. CalDAV is supported on numerous platforms and clients.
