



When using the skos vocabulary, is it possible to provide a descriptive label to describe a relationship between two concepts. for example you can have two concepts linked by skos:related but hwo do you say exactly how they are related.

+1  A: 

Maybe skos:note (from SKOS Documentation) or one of the specialised predicates that are subproperties of this might do what you want.

You can't introduce a Blank Node and hang an rdfs:label of it like you might do in general RDF data modelling since skos:related is not transitive i.e.

:a skos:related :b .
:b skos:related :c .

Only says that :a is related to :b and :b is related to :c and does not imply that :a is related to :c

Best way to do it might be to define your own predicate which is a subproperty of skos:related and apply relevant labels, comments and descriptions to that. BUT if you do this you'll need to be using tools that can do inference as SKOS tools won't be aware of your property automatically e.g.

ex:myRelation rdf:type rdf:Property ;
              rdfs:label "My Relation" ;
              rdfs:comment "Detailed description of the relation..." .

:a ex:myRelation :b .
Hi, thank you for your answer. Its exactly what I am trying to do with one exception, the description is dynamic i.e neither a nor b or the relationship between them exist until they are created by the user. Therefore the user creates both and a and b and then describes the relationship between them in the form of a string.