What is the WPF equivalent for WinForms radio button CheckedChanged?
I have your basic 2 radio button set up, where when one is selected a textbox is enabled and when the other is selected it is disabled.
For the time being I was using RadioButton_Checked, except, I set IsChecked true for one button in the xaml. When I reference the textbox in that Checked method it throws NullReferenceException...
<RadioButton Name="rb1" IsChecked="True" GroupName="1" Checked="rb1_Checked"></RadioButton>
<RadioButton Name="rb2" GroupName="1" Checked="rb2_Checked"></RadioButton>
private void rb2_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
txt.IsEnabled = false;
private void rb1_Checked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
txt.IsEnabled = true; //null reference here on load