




In an Excel formula you can use =ISERR(A1) or =ISERROR(A1)

In a VBA macro you can use IsError(sheet.Cells(1, 1))

But using a VSTO Excel Addin project I did not found similar function under the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel API. I only want to know if there is an error in the cell, I'm not really interested in the type of error.

My current workaround is to do this for all the existing error messages.:

if (((Range)sheet.Cells[1, 1]).Text == "#N/A" || ...)

Is there a better way to do this. Is there a simple function in the API for that?

+5  A: 

Dealing with CVErr values in .NET is a very tricky subject. The problem is that .NET (rightfully) regards CVErr as obsolete with respect to error handling. CVErr values, however, are still used in Excel cells, so this is a rather large omission for Excel automation.

Fortunately, there is a workaround. The way to check for CVErr values is to examine the data type held by the cell. If the value held is typed as an Integer (Int32) then the value held is a CVErr. (Note that numerical values held in a cell are normally typed as Double, only CVerr values can come through as Integer.)

That is, at the simplest level, to test for a CVErr value, all you need to do is use the following function:

bool IsXLCVErr(object obj)
    return obj is Int32;

If you need to check for a specific CVErr value (e.g., #N/A), then you would first check to make sure that the data type is an Integer (Int32) and then check the specific value held by the cell, according to this table:

  • -2146826281 = #Div/0!
  • -2146826246 - #N/A
  • -2146826259 = #Name?
  • -2146826288 = #Null!
  • -2146826252 = #Num!
  • -2146826265 = #Ref!
  • -2146826273 = #Value!

For example, your code could look like this:

enum CVErrEnum : Int32
    ErrDiv0 = -2146826281,
    ErrNA = -2146826246,
    ErrName = -2146826259,
    ErrNull = -2146826288,
    ErrNum = -2146826252,
    ErrRef = -2146826265,
    ErrValue = -2146826273

bool IsXLCVErr(object obj)
    return (obj) is Int32;

bool IsXLCVErr(object obj, CVErrEnum whichError)
    return (obj is Int32) && ((Int32)obj == (Int32)whichError);

I wrote a detailed two-part article on this a few years ago:

The articles are written for VB.NET, but the principles are exactly the same as for C#. You should have no trouble translating, but if you have any problems, then please ask. (Some day I hope to have the time to update this article for C#. If that happens at some point, I'll edit the post to include a link.)

Hope this helps!

Mike Rosenblum
This kind is the of answer that makes people wish SO had a 'one-a-day super-upvote' feature
Thanks Mike this is the information I have been looking for all day. was getting a weird number of rows returned and didin't realise VBA treats cells with a CVErr differently to .net (Which just regards them as a Int value.
Anonymous Type
Glad this helped! When I first hit on this problem some years back, it really knocked me for a loop. It's a seemingly impossible problem to solve. So once I figured out how to handle it, I just had to write it up.
Mike Rosenblum
Finally, I think that the solution by code4life is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for all the good information on the subject anyway.
Ok, but I'm not sure that you checked the correct answer. For example, code4life's answer will not pick up #N/A values. But it can be easily corrected: the code should be using `WorksheetFunction.IsError` instead. I can't argue with that simplicity, but I've also now added some code to my explanation above, so that you can see that it is also, ultimately, very simple. And if you ever need to pick up a *particular* CVErr value (other than #N/A, which can be picked up via `WorksheetFunction.IsNa`) then the approach that I've laid out here really is the only way.
Mike Rosenblum
You are right for IsError, but I prefer a simple function over custom code for my situation. I don't need to know the kind of error. I have edited my question to make this clear. Thanks for the help on this Mike
No problem! One can't argue with using a built-in function. Glad I could help, and hopefully it will help others.
Mike Rosenblum
+1  A: 

You can use the WorksheetFunction method:


The IsErr is semantically identical to the Excel worksheet function, only instead of the cell reference pass in the actual value - AFAIK.

Quick note: `WorksheetFunction.IsErr` will return false for #N/A values, by design. Therefore, to use this approach, one should use `WorksheetFunction.IsError` instead. If you need to pick up a *particular* CVErr value, then you can pick up #N/A values using `WorksheetFunction.IsNA`, but for any other particular CVErr types, you'd have to use the approach I've outlined below.
Mike Rosenblum
Thanks for the clarification, Mike!