



I have this code:

#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

struct A
    int operator()(int i) const {
        std::cout << "F: " << i << std::endl;
        return i + 1;

int main()
    A a;
    std::tr1::function<int(int)> f = std::tr1::ref(a);
    std::cout << f(6) << std::endl;

The aim is to pass the functor object by a reference_wrapper, in a way to avoid useless copy costructor calls. I expect the following output:

F: 6

It works correctly with GCC >= 4.4.0, Visual Studio 2008 and with boost by substituting std::tr1 namespace with boost. It only doesn't work with the new Visual Studio 2010 both Express Beta 2 and Release Candidate.

Are this new C++ features bugged in vs2010? Or there is some mistake or misuse in the code?

+5  A: 

I think i found the reason. This is what TR1 3.4/2 says about result_of<T(A1, A2, ..., AN)>::type, used in the determination of the return type of reference_wrapper<T>::operator():

The implementation may determine the type member via any means that produces the exact type of the expression f(t1, t2, ..., tN) for the given types. [Note: The intent is that implementations are permitted to use special compiler hooks —end note]

And then paragraph 3:

If F is not a function object defined by the standard library, and if either the implementation cannot determine the type of the expression f(t1, t2, ..., tN) or if the expression is ill-formed, the implementation shall use the following process to determine the type member:

  • If F is a possibly cv-qualified class type with no member named result_type or if typename F::result_type is not a type:
    • If N=0 (no arguments), type is void.
    • If N>0, type is typename F::template result<F(T1, T2,..., TN)>::type

The error message is an artefact of trying these fall-backs. Provide a typedef for result_type to int and it should work, i think. Notice that in C++0x, this is different. It does not rely on result_type or a result template, since it can use decltype.

If with <functional> it fails with MSVC10 in C++0x mode, it smells like a bug, i would say. But maybe someone else knows what's going on. It may (but is not guaranteed to) work with <tr1/functional> in C++0x mode if that header chooses to take the decltype way instead of ::result_type. I would typedef result_type - that way i think it should always work regardless of whether the tr1 header is used or the c++0x header.

Also notice that boost::tr1 says in its documentation that it does not support the function call operator (but it merely supports implicit conversions to T&).

Johannes Schaub - litb
Yeah, this fix the problem :D It is a pity for vs2010 for this regression with respect to the previous 2008 version... Most recent draft strictly requires the compiler to be able to recognise the return type automatically. 20.7.4
Dj Gaspa

I encounter a similar problem here :

To make it compile on MSVC10, I had to derive my function object from std::unary_function.

Thomas Petit