I have a piece of code that converts an infix expression to an expression tree in memory. This works just fine. There's just one small trouble. I just connect work out how to involve the unary operators correctly (the right associative ones).
With the following infix expression :
+1 + +2 - -3 - -4
I would expect an RPN of:
Yet, none of the online infix-post converters I can find handle this example in the way I would expect. Does anyone have a clear explanation of handling right associative operators, specifically the binary ones that can be mistaken for the unary ones?
Edit/Clarification: I would like to know how to deal with the unary operators during the translation from infix to postfix. Ie: recognizing the same '-' character for example as being unary instead of binary operator and thus a different precedence. I would think of using a state machine perhaps with two states but ...?