



what will the program behave when they have two exceptions. And none of them have been caught yet. what type of handler will be called . lets say both the exceptions were of different type. i apologize if i am not clear but i feel i have made myself clear enough. thank you!!!

what if the try block throws an exception and try block is exited which destroyes all the automatic variables.Lets say one was an automatic object and its destructor again threw an exception.Now we have two uncaught exception.My question is based on this fact. thank you!!

+5  A: 

It depends entirely on the language. However, in all the languages I know there can't ever be multiple exceptions at the same time (in the same thread). If an exception has been thrown, it travels up the call stack until it's caught, with no code executing during this time. If the exception is not caught, the program crashes before another can be thrown. If it is caught, the exception is no longer "active" and if the handler throws a new exception, the old one is forgotten.

Max Shawabkeh
what if the try block throws an exception and try block is exited which destroyes all the automatic variables.Lets say one was an automatic object and its destructor again threw an exception.Now we have two uncaught exception.My question is based on this fact.thank you!!
Again, depends on the language. In C++, the standard behaviour is to crash the program if a destructor throws an exception during stack unwinding (see
Max Shawabkeh
In Java exceptions can be thrown from either the catch block or the finally block.
+4  A: 

At the CPU level (on x86), there is a situation called a double fault:

On the x86 architecture, a double fault exception occurs if the processor encounters a problem while trying to service a pending interrupt or exception.

However, this kind of "double fault" is a very low level situation and is only of concern to the operating system kernel.

Greg Hewgill