



Possible Duplicates:
Scrum Software
Recommendations for project management software for Scrum

I checked wikipedia,

But I am still looking for some insight from the genius minds using SO. I installed Microsoft Project 2010, and was assuming that it would have some template/plugin that would support Scrum. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one :-(


I believe that there is a Scrum project template for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010. I suggest you download the RC of VSTS and of TFS, install them and find out.

Microsoft Project pretty much just does project management. VSTS is where the developers, testers, project managers and other stakeholders will live.

John Saunders

We have been using the Scrum for Team System templates:

Brian Schmitt
+6  A: 

I'd recommend not using any software to start with. Sticky notes or 3X5 cards on a corkboard/whiteboard are a better way to start.

Focus on the differences in process, understanding the system, and what you're getting out of it first, not the tools.

+2  A: 

I have been using scrumworks for more than a year. I really like it, the scrum board is pretty and intuitive with drag and drop, support mutiple teams etc. Not very expensive too.

I tried using Microsoft project for many years but given up because if wasn't flexible enough and I now use a mix of scrumworks, excel sheets and a bug database.
