



Currently I am working and running my first Open-Source project and though I am quite happy how things are working so far, I have the feeling that a lot of things could be done better.

So, what books about Open-Source would you recommend me in order to help filling this gap and making things better every day? What are the books that influenced you the most?

I am especially interested in:
- How to organize and run an Open-Source project
- Best practices
- Manage and involve users and developers
- How to announce and do the releases
- Legal issues

+4  A: 

Classical: Producing Open Source Software. A must read for everyone involved in open source projects.

Exceptional recommendation! I have only read the Table of Contents and some chapters that caught my eye and I can say that it was exactly what I was looking for.
Edu Zamora
+1  A: 

The Cathedral and the Bazaar, by Eric Raymond is the seminal work on the Open Source movement. It is a collection of essays about the movement, and is an easy read.
