I'm confused, you want to send parameters to your flash movie or receive? And if you want to send them as I suspect, how are they produced in the first place? Is it from an HTML form on some other page?
You can use PHP for this or JavaScript that will construct your HTML with the parameters passed.
// write flash obj with query string
function writeFlash() {
// appearance vars, these can be customized to your liking
var width = '200'
var height = '100'
var src = 'query.swf'
// queries -- type in the variables you want to send to flash here
var queries = '?uid='+QueryString('uid')+'&sid='+QueryString('sid')+''
// assemble flash obj
var l1 = '<object width="'+width+'" height="'+height+'" data="'+src+queries+'" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="src" value="'+src+queries+'" /></object>'
// write all lines
This is your answer in JavaScript, taken from http://noscope.com/journal/2003/12./query_string and slightly modified.