




I am getting input with this here

areaInput = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, "Copy Area", "New Area Name:", 0)

However I would like to make the dialog box larger, I've tried things such as

QtGui.QInputDialog.resize(400, 400)

However it says "the first argument must be a QWidget class" and I'm not quite sure what this means or how to fix it. Thanks.

+3  A: 

That error implies that you're not calling an instance method with an instance.

QtGui.QInputDialog.getText() is a static method and doesn't return you a QWidget instance, so you can't call resize() on it.

If you want to call resize(), you need to create your own QWidget (or QDialog).

Kaleb Pederson
Ok thanks, so there is no way to resize the little pop up with just simple one line of code?
No. But, it would be an interesting exercise to see if you could get a hold of the dialog through the parent's `findChildren<T>()` method (I'm not sure what the PyQt equivalent might be) and on which you might be able to call resize. But since `getText()` is a blocking call and you would need to call `resize()` from the GUI thread, it certainly won't be trivial.
Kaleb Pederson