



Ok, I wanting to database a small library.

I've only had limited experience with databases, and none with querying from a webserver.

I'm going to want to retrieve information like title, Publisher, maybe author, description the simplest way I can think of dooing this is looking them up via the ISBN.

I've come across before, but the API for accessing it seems rather complex.

I'm wondering how I should go about doing this.


What language are you using? You need a program/script to present a form where you can enter the ISBN, which would then get the data from and populate the database. I've used the API a bit, but not for some time, and it's pretty straightforward.

Steve Michel
I'm fine with many modern languages (though I thing ms-access doesn't support [m]any of them), C,C++, paskall (shudder), java, python, asm, VB6, couple of BASIC dailects.So the language doen't matter to me, i'm prob preferto be using python for easier parsing, but I think i have to use VBA (wich i'm not so familiar with)
If you know VB6, then VBA shouldn't be much of a stretch. The big learning curve will be that VBA provides a lot more database-related functionality than plain VB6, and that Access has it's own rich object model that you have to understand in order to get full power from it.

The API looks simple. The following request should retrieve the information you want ... just substitute your access key for "YourKey" and the ISBN for "YourISBN". 

If that does not work for you, please tell us why.

Yes but what does this return?A website i have to parse through?
The response is XML which contains information about the single book whose ISBN you submitted.
+2  A: 

This is an incomplete answer, but it should get you started (I've not worked with XML data as return).

This code has the basics:

  Dim oHttp As Object

  Set oHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
  oHttp.Open "GET", "", False
  oHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  oHttp.Send vbNullString
  Debug.Print oHttp.responseText

The response from the web page is in the .responseText property of the XMLHTTP object. How you process that is beyond me. I know that one of the Access newsgroup gurus has published a tutorial on consuming web services from Access, but I can't locate it. This article might have something to do with the issue:
