



I have a multi-step BackgroundWorker process. I use a marquee progress bar because several of these steps are run on a iSeries server so there isn't any good way to determine a percentage. What I am envisioning is a label with updates after every step. How would you recommend updating a label on a winform to reflect each step?

Figured I would add a bit more. I call some CL and RPG programs via a stored procedure on an iSeries (or IBM i or AS/400 or a midrange computer running OS/400... er... i5/OS (damn you IBM for not keeping the same name year-to-year)).

Anyway I have to wait until that step is fully complete before I can continue on the winform side. I was thinking of sending feedback to the user giving the major steps.

  1. Dumping data to iSeries
  2. Running month-end
  3. Creating reports
  4. Uploading final results

I probably should have given this in the beginning. Sorry about that. I try to keep my questions general enough for others to make use of later rather than my specific task.

+1  A: 

This is one of the points of a background worker in essence. Use a ProgressBar and just determine how far along the progress is, according to your algorithm.

(As has been mentioned, if they're 10% through, send 10, if they're 50% through, send 50)

Using a BackgroundWorker bgWrk

Add the following event:

bgWrk.ProgressChanged += new System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler(bgWrk_ProgressChanged);
// Note: This method is invoked on the UI thread

void bgWrk_ProgressChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
    // Add progress to whatever UI element needs updating. The below simply uses a progress bar.
    prog.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;

After each major step that you think deserves a user updates do the following:


A couple of notes:

  • You can pass an Object as well in the ReportProgress() method, so you would be able to update a label with a string object etc, however a progress bar is still the universal symbol of "hold on, i'm doing something"

  • If you have any indeterminate polling, and you are using a ProgressBar, try use it as an Indeterminate ProgressBar, or a spinner or such. WPF has a built in property to make a progress bar indeterminate which is useful.

Kyle Rozendo
one thing you left out Rozendo: the ProgressChanged event - is that method invoked on the UI thread or on the background thread?
It will invoke on the UI thread. It was designed to be able to be used with ProgressBars in particular. This is why the EventArgs provide a percentage to be able to access this functionality.
Kyle Rozendo

How many steps is there? If there's 10 steps, simply use 10% step up marker for the end of each step that completed successfully.

The steps on the iSeries are over 50% of the steps of which I can't communicate back to C#. I guess I could just update by percentage anyway.
Mike Wills
oh....iSeries as in mainframe? or AIX boxes? I will edit this answer accordingly...
iSeries as in IBM i or AS/400 or a midrange computer. It runs OS/400 and the called logic is in CL and RPG. I have to call it via a stored procedure and I have to wait until it completed successfully before I can move on to the next step.
Mike Wills
Ahhh...AS/400...Command Language (CL) and how are you connecting to it? are you talking to a TCP/IP port...Is the CL script sending a status back to the TCP/IP port?
Through IBM's ADO.NET provider. It appears to be an optimized ODBC connection.
Mike Wills
@Mike: it might help to show a section of the CL script and the connection side of terms of code...