I have a huge text file with lots of lines like:
a 23232 23232 545 3434 DATA4545454_1 454 4646466 3434 3567
a 23232 23267632 545 3436764 DATA454545567564__1 454 464675466 3434 3
a 232676732 232676732 545 3434 DATA4545454_1 454 46457566466 3457534 35675
In all of them I would like to get rid of everything which is after DATA*, so I get:
a 23232 23232 545 3434 DATA4545454_1
a 23232 23267632 545 3436764 DATA454545567564__1
a 232676732 232676732 545 3434 DATA4545454_1
I know it can be done with sed and tried different combinations but I do not get the result, do you know how?