Hi all!
I have a strange problem, mayby you'll help me sort out what's happening.
I'm developing a softphone, and sometimes it even works! :)
So "sometimes" is the key word. There is a problem with sending voice through microphone over the phone: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't sort out why this is happening. I checked a lot of parameters - they are all the same. I run the same code every time, I've compared the Session Description Protocols - they are the same. I've looked through the Wireshark tracing logs - they are similar too. But sometimes I can hear my voice over the phone (what I'm speaking to the microphone), and sometimes I'm hearing only the silence. Audio data is always correct, I checked it. I even can't figure out the rule when does it happen, looks like it's completely random... For several days I tried to sort this out, but no luck. I understand that all that sounds very vague, but maybe somebody run across that issue or a close one. Can you please help me?..
Thanks a lot in advance!