I have this code, but I have a problem. When I update but do not really made any changes to the value and press the update button, the data becomes null. And it will seem that I deleted the value.
I've taught of a solution, that is to add both combobox1.selectedtext and combobox1.selecteditem to the function. But it doesn't work.
combobox1.selecteditem is working when you try to alter the values when you update. But will save a null value when you don't alter the values using the combobox
combobox1.selectedtext will save the data into the database even without altering. But will not save the data if you try to alter it.
-And I incorporated both of them, but still only one is performing, and I think it is the one that I added first:
Dim shikai As New Updater
shikai.id = TextBox1.Text
shikai.fname = TextBox2.Text
shikai.mi = TextBox3.Text
shikai.lname = TextBox4.Text
shikai.ad = TextBox5.Text
shikai.contact = TextBox9.Text
shikai.year = ComboBox1.SelectedText
shikai.section = ComboBox2.SelectedText
shikai.gender = ComboBox3.SelectedText
shikai.religion = ComboBox4.SelectedText
shikai.year = ComboBox1.SelectedItem
shikai.section = ComboBox2.SelectedItem
shikai.gender = ComboBox3.SelectedItem
shikai.religion = ComboBox4.SelectedItem
shikai.bday = TextBox6.Text
MsgBox("Successfully updated!")
Please help, what would be a simple workaround to solve this problem?