




I have added paypal pro (uk) express to my Magento shopping cart. The paypal button now appears below the checkout button in the shopping cart.

The problem is when I click the paypal button I get a 404 error.

Any ideas?


I reckon you added a payment method for the checkout process or a custom paypal checkout. Activate the debug mode and the error logging in system->configuration->developer. Having a more verbose error message will point you to a more clear error.

404 is page not found error, so wherever the paypal module is pointing the page is missiong. This could happen as a result of malconfiguration or API change or other issues.

Elzo Valugi
I enabled the api debug and tried again. Got the error and then checked the paypal_api_debug table in the db but it was empty. I also turned the debugger and logs on. I checked the exception log in the var/log folder but nothing in there either.
looks like a visualization issue. the paypal.express.review (Mage_Paypal_Block_Express_Review) block is not instantiated properly. you should address a paypal developer forum: http://paypaldev.org/ or send a bug report to paypal
Elzo Valugi

Fixed it by following post 5 here: http://www.magentocommerce.com/bug-tracking/issue?issue=8528

I needed to delete the paypal files in the default folder.
