



Suppose I have a class A.

And B and C are child of A.

Class A has a generic algorithm for sorting arrays of type A, so that I could use it for B and C without writing again the algorithm for each.

In the algorithm, sometimes I have to swap. The problem is that I can only see the objects as type A, and if I do:

A aux = array[i]
array[i] = array[j]
array[j] = aux

I think I have a problem. Because array[i], maybe its of type B, and aux is of type A, so I think I'm losing information.

I'm sure u understand this situation... how can I sort a generic array of objects using a father method algorithm?

Edit: The initial array it's static.

Edit2: So its imposible to have: A::sort(A array[]); And do what I want?, cannot swap.

The only way is having an array of references? A* array[]?

+8  A: 

Polymorphic objects are referred to by pointers or references (or pointer wrappers). Swapping pointers is sufficient then. Actually, you should be able to use std::sort or std::stable_sort with a suitable predicate:

// 'A' defines 'float getSortKey()'

bool mypred(B* first, B* second) {
   return first->getSortKey() < second->getSortKey();

std::vector<B*> them;

This strategy avoids object slicing.

Alexander Gessler
I would take out _usually_. The only way to have polymorphism in C++ is by using a pointer or reference.
Fixed, thanks :-)
Alexander Gessler

@ritmbo, as long as you are not familiar with polymorphism mechanisms, an explanation is needed to fine @Alexander's answer.

Why do you have to change std::vector<A> into std::vector<A*>?

You want to have a collection of objects of base class, so in order to sort them, you need to move responsibility of object comparison from class A to B and C. To do so, in OOP you use virtual functions. They are bound to an object as a virtual table. If you cast B* to A*, e.g. A* a = new B;, the vtable of a is overwritten by methods from new B. But if you cast B to A, e.g. A a = B(), no method pointers are copied to a's vtable.

Long story short, you won't move comparison responsibility to class B and C without using pointers (or references, but that's more difficult to maintain).

Janusz Lenar

I've got an idea. Your 'polymorphism' tag is quite misleading if you want to store by values. How about simply overwriting the key value in A class objects, which is used by A::sort?

struct A
    int key;
    A(int _key) : key(_key) {}
    static sort(A array[]); // uses 'key'

struct B : public A
    B() : A( generate_B_key() ) {}

struct C : public A
    C() : A( generate_C_key() ) {}
Janusz Lenar