I am writing the following in LINQ
Enumerable.Range(50, 100).Select(n => n/10 == 1)
but it's not working. How to write the above query?
I am writing the following in LINQ
Enumerable.Range(50, 100).Select(n => n/10 == 1)
but it's not working. How to write the above query?
Since your expression is a predicate -- and from your comment you want to return it into an IEnumerable<int>
-- I'm guessing you actually want to filter the source collection rather than project it into a sequence of booleans. If that's correct, you need the Where operator rather than Select:
var intsBetween10And19 = ints.Where(n => (n/10 == 1));
Select performs a projection, i.e. it "returns" the value of the select expression (in this case a boolean). Where is the filtering operator.
If you want all the number from 50 to 100 that are divisible by 10 then you need this...
var res = Enumerable.Range(50, 51).Where(n=>n%10==0);
Since you are trying to get all of the values divisible by 10 (as per your comment) you need this:
Enumerable.Range(50, 100).Select(n => n % 10 == 0)