




I am writing the following in LINQ

Enumerable.Range(50, 100).Select(n => n/10 == 1)

but it's not working. How to write the above query?

+6  A: 

Since your expression is a predicate -- and from your comment you want to return it into an IEnumerable<int> -- I'm guessing you actually want to filter the source collection rather than project it into a sequence of booleans. If that's correct, you need the Where operator rather than Select:

var intsBetween10And19 = ints.Where(n => (n/10 == 1));

Select performs a projection, i.e. it "returns" the value of the select expression (in this case a boolean). Where is the filtering operator.

+1. The `Select` operator would just then select `IEnumerable<bool>` containing whether or not each element fit the condition.
Adam Robinson
+1  A: 

If you want all the number from 50 to 100 that are divisible by 10 then you need this...

var res =  Enumerable.Range(50, 51).Where(n=>n%10==0);
Matthew Whited
thank you matthew whited.
Glad I could help. Next time you may try to provide an entire line of code and what you expect. It may save on the confusion.
Matthew Whited
yes I will remember that and paste entire code. Sorry everyone for the confusion.

Since you are trying to get all of the values divisible by 10 (as per your comment) you need this:

Enumerable.Range(50, 100).Select(n => n % 10 == 0)
this is correct if you just want a set of bools... if you want the int values look at my result (by the way his range is 50 to 100 so it should be 50,51)
Matthew Whited