



The C function myfunc operates on a larger chunk of data. The results are returned in chunks to a callback function:

int myfunc(const char *data, int (*callback)(char *result, void *userdata), void *userdata);

Using ctypes, it's no big deal to call myfunc from Python code, and to have the results being returned to a Python callback function. This callback work fine.

myfunc = mylib.myfunc
myfunc.restype = c_int
myfunc.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char), callbackFUNCTYPE, c_void_p]

def mycb(result, userdata):
    print result
    return True

input="A large chunk of data."
myfunc(input, myfuncFUNCTYPE(mycb), 0)

But, is there any way to give a Python object (say a list) as userdata to the callback function? In order to store away the result chunks, I'd like to do e.g.:

def mycb(result, userdata):


But I have no idea how to cast the Python list to a c_void_p, so that it can be used in the call to myfunc.

My current workaround is to implement a linked list as a ctypes structure, which is quite cumbersome.

+1  A: 

I guess you could use the Python C API to do that... maybe you could use a PyObject pointer.

edit: As the op pointed out in the comments, there's already a py_object type readily available in ctypes, so the solution is to create first a ctypes.py_object object from the python list and then casting it to c_voidp to pass it as an argument to the C function (I think this step might be unnecessary as a parameter typed as *void should accept any pointer, and it would be faster to pass just a byref). In the callback, the reverse steps are done (casting from the void pointer to a pointer to py_object and then getting the value of the contents).

A workaround could be to use a closure for your callback function so it already knows in which list it has to append the items...

myfunc = mylib.myfunc
myfunc.restype = c_int
myfunc.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char), callbackFUNCTYPE]

def mycb(result, userdata):

input="A large chunk of data."
userdata = []
myfunc(input, myfuncFUNCTYPE(lambda x: mycb(x, userdata)))
Well, the nice thing about ctypes is that everything can be done in plain Python. So the Python C API seems to be a step back. Or am I missing something?
I meant the option could be creating a ctypes proxy of a C-API PyObject struct, that should be the internal representation of any Python object and passing it around...
Strange. Your workaround with a closure works fine on Linux, but the same program crashes on Windows.
Have you noticed he change in the signature of the callback function and changed that accordingly in your C files?
Nope. That's certainly the problem. I wondered why it worked without the change on Linux.
But I found the solution I was looking for: `cUserdata=ctypes.cast(pointer(ctypes.py_object(pyUserdata)), c_void_p)` and in the callback: `pyUserdata=ctypes.cast(cUserdata,POINTER(ctypes.py_object)).contents.value`. I guess that's what had in mind with the Python C API?
About the first question, it probably has to do with the calling conventions, by examining what happened I'd say the parameter in Linux was expected in a register and in Windows in the stack (and as it was missing, the stack was corrupted at some point). Is your Linux 64 bit and your Windows 32 bit?
About the second, that's more or less what I was suggesting, using the C internal representation of the Python object... Luckily enough, ctypes already had it implemented and you didn't have to write your own wrapper and some C code to get the actual pointer.
Both 32 bit. But in fact, the Windows library uses WINFUNCTYPE, while the Linux version uses CFUNCTYPE.
Would you mind to update your answer with the py_object? Again, thanks for the hint!
updated, you're welcome :-)