



Original Question:

I am getting the following error when attempting to compile my Groovy project with IntelliJ

Groovyc error: LBoard; class not found, try compiling it explicitly

However I am unsure of what I need to do to stop this error from happening. The project was working fine but then I tidied up a fair bit of code and that seems to have caused the problem. The error has no line numbers next to it for me to investigate and I can't see any obvious errors in my code (nor does IntelliJ show any warnings that appear related).

One clue might well be that I do not actually have a class called LBoard nor is the phrase LBoard anywhere to be found in my code. I do have a class called Board however.

Anyone seen anything similar or have any troubleshooting suggestions?

Edit: Actually I got it working again but not by any particularly satisfying method. I tried compiling the Board class on its own. It complained about not being able to resolve an enumeration declared in a different source code file I temporarily moved the enumeration definition into the board class source file and recompiled. That worked. I then deleted and recreated the *.groovy file containing the enum definition so everything was back as it was originally. Now it works! If anyone can shed any light as to why I'd be interested.

+1  A: 

Sure it wasn't

Groovyc error: [LBoard; class not found, try compiling it explicitly

That would imply an array of Board objects

I don't think so but if it happens again I'll double check.
Martin Smith