


+3  Q: 

sprintf in Delphi?

Hi there!

Does anyone know a 100% clone of the C/C++ printf for Delphi? Yes, I know the System.Format function, but it handles things a little different.

For example if you want to format 3 to "003" you need "%03d" in C, but "%.3d" in Delphi.

I have an application written in Delphi which has to be able to format numbers using C format strings, so do you know a snippet/library for that?

Thanks in advance!

+9  A: 

You could use the wsprintf() function from Windows.pas. Unfortunately this function is not declared correctly in the Windows.pas so here is a redeclaration:

function wsprintf(Output: PChar; Format: PChar): Integer; cdecl; varargs;
  external user32 name {$IFDEF UNICODE}'wsprintfW'{$ELSE}'wsprintfA'{$ENDIF};

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  S: String;
  SetLength(S, 1024); // wsprintf can work only with max. 1024 characters
  SetLength(S, wsprintf(PChar(S), '%s %03d', 'Hallo', 3));
Andreas Hausladen
Wow ok, I was a little too late answering my own question ;)Thank you, I think this is a much better solution than importing from msvcrt.dll! Will try what one later...
After realizing that the `user32.wsprintf(W|A)` method is unable to handle floating points, I now decided to use `msvcrt._vsnw?printf` for now using your vararg-fix below. Best way would've been a version without external dependencies, but `msvcrt.dll` should be available everywhere I need it.

Well, I just found this one:

function sprintf(S: PAnsiChar; const Format: PAnsiChar): Integer;
    cdecl; varargs; external 'msvcrt.dll';

It simply uses the original sprintf function from msvcrt.dll which can then be used like that:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var s: AnsiString;
  SetLength(s, 99);
  sprintf(PAnsiChar(s), '%d - %d', 1, 2);

I don't know if this is the best solution because it needs this external dll and you have to set the string's length manually which makes it prone to buffer overflows, but at least it works... Any better ideas?

+6  A: 

If you want to let the function look more Delphi friendly to the user, you could use the following:

function _FormatC(const Format: string): string; cdecl;
  StackSlotSize = SizeOf(Pointer);
  Args: va_list;
  Buffer: array[0..1024] of Char;
  // va_start(Args, Format)
  Args := va_list(PAnsiChar(@Format) + ((SizeOf(Format) + StackSlotSize - 1) and not (StackSlotSize - 1)));
  SetString(Result, Buffer, wvsprintf(Buffer, PChar(Format), Args));

const // allows us to use "varargs" in Delphi
  FormatC: function(const Format: string): string; cdecl varargs = _FormatC;

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ShowMessage(FormatC('%s %03d', 'Hallo', 3));
Andreas Hausladen
+1 for this sophisticated version, thank you!
I never heard about this!!! How you discovered it, Andreas???????
Fabricio Araujo
By reading the definition of the C/C++-macros va_start, va_list, va_end.
Andreas Hausladen
+1  A: 

It's not recommended to use (ws)printf since they are prone to buffer overflow, it would be better to use the safe variants (eg StringCchPrintF). It is already declared in the Jedi Apilib (JwaStrSafe).

As I didn't want to include Jedi just for this one function, I decided to use `_vsnw?printf` from `msvcrt.dll` which should be safe, too, as it's second parameter is the buffer size...