I'd like to do something like this:
def results = Item.findAll("from Item c, Tag b, ItemTag a where c = a.item and b = a.tag and (b.tag like :q or c.uri like :q) " + ob,[q:q])
def items = (Item) results[0..1][0]
but I get
Cannot cast object '[Ljava.lang.Object;@1e224a5' with class '[Ljava.lang.Object;' to class 'org.maflt.ibidem.Item'
I can get what I need with this, but it doesn't seem like it's the best solution:
def items = [] as Set
def cnt = results.size()
for (i=0;i<cnt-1;i++) { items << results[i][0] }
items = items as List
The solution suggested to use
def results = Item.findAll("from Item c, Tag b, ItemTag a where c = a.item and b = a.tag and (b.tag like :q or c.uri like :q) " + ob,[q:q])
def items = results[0] as List
doesn't work. The query actually produces the correct SQL:
item0_.id as id3_0_,
tag1_.id as id16_1_,
itemtag2_.id as id6_2_,
item0_.version as version3_0_,
item0_.last_updated as last3_3_0_,
item0_.docsize as docsize3_0_,
item0_.customer_id as customer5_3_0_,
item0_.uri as uri3_0_,
item0_.created_by_person_id as created7_3_0_,
item0_.updated_by_person_id as updated8_3_0_,
item0_.md5 as md9_3_0_,
item0_.original_file_name as original10_3_0_,
item0_.date_created as date11_3_0_,
item0_.doctype as doctype3_0_,
item0_.identifier as identifier3_0_,
tag1_.version as version16_1_,
tag1_.tagtype_id as tagtype3_16_1_,
tag1_.tag as tag16_1_,
tag1_.last_updated as last5_16_1_,
tag1_.customer_id as customer6_16_1_,
tag1_.created_by_person_id as created7_16_1_,
tag1_.updated_by_person_id as updated8_16_1_,
tag1_.date_created as date9_16_1_,
itemtag2_.version as version6_2_,
itemtag2_.updated_by_person_id as updated3_6_2_,
itemtag2_.weight as weight6_2_,
itemtag2_.tag_id as tag5_6_2_,
itemtag2_.item_id as item6_6_2_,
itemtag2_.last_updated as last7_6_2_,
itemtag2_.date_created as date8_6_2_,
itemtag2_.source_id as source9_6_2_,
itemtag2_.created_by_person_id as created10_6_2_
item item0_,
tag tag1_,
item_tag itemtag2_
and tag1_.id=itemtag2_.tag_id
and (
lower(tag1_.tag) like '%english%'
or lower(item0_.original_file_name) like '%english%'
order by
But unfortunately the items = results[0] as List doesn't work. It only returns 3 rows and only items[0] is an Item.
items.each{println it.class}
class org.maflt.ibidem.Item
class org.maflt.ibidem.Tag
class org.maflt.ibidem.ItemTag