



Does anyone know how to do this?

I can copy only files that DO exist on the destination, but not the other way around... any ideas?

More information

  • I have 3 gigs of files on System A.
  • I have 4 gigs of files on System B.
  • Many of the files are the same
  • I only want to copy the files from System B to System A that don't already exist on system A.


+2  A: 

If it's Vista, you can use RoboCopy and exclude (/XF) that is matching.

To see all option go in cmd.exe and type robocopy /?

Nice little Gem... It's not vista but windows 2003 server and I appear to have it. Thanks!
Martin Beckett

You can also try to use RoboCopy's mirror feature instead? Handles folder as well.



+1  A: 

You may want to give robocopy a shot. Don't worry, its already installed on Vista and Server 2008 and its free for XP and Server 2003. There is a sync mode that will keep directories in sync

There's also a GUI for it.

+4  A: 

Old fashioned? Try this:

C:\>xcopy c:\temp\testcopy\source c:\temp\testcopy\target /e /d

It will copy the files that don't exist on the target. It will also copy the files that are newer on the source than the target.

Andrew Cowenhoven

Just use /XN /XO to ignore newer or older files and it will just copy files which dont exist already, simple!