It is quite simple.
Read the contents of the folder /dev/disk/by-path.
The files in this directory are symbolic links to device files in /dev.
then you can find some general info about those, using a mono port of gudev - you can get one here.
you also need glib-sharp to use this, it is part of the gtk-sharp2 package (install that using your package manager).
use as in this example:
gudev.GUdevClient a=new gudev.GUdevClient(null);
gudev.GUdevDevice dev=a.QueryByDeviceFile("/dev/disk/by-path/--some-file--");
Console.WriteLine (dev.GetProperty("ID_FS_TYPE")); //will output the file system, eg. ntfs
Console.WrtieLine(dev.GetProperty("ID_FS_LABEL")); //will output the label of the disk
to get the mountpoint, you should find the actual device file.
add a reference to the package "Mono.Posix" and use the Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo class to find that file.
for example:
Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo sym=new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo("/dev/disk/by-path/--some-file--");
Console.WriteLine(sym.ContentsPath); //Will output something like ../../sda1
replace the ../.. with /dev and than read the file /etc/mtab.
the format of the file is something like this:
/dev/file mountpoint stuff-you-don't-care-about
Each device in a new line. so split by /n and split that by space. anything after that is simple and i don't think i need to continue.