I'm pulling my hair out with something that should be very simple: getting line breaks to show up properly in text that's returned from the database with Doctrine 1.2
I'm saving a message:
$body = [text from a form textarea];
$m = new Message();
Querying the message:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('Message m')
->where('m.message_id = ?', $id)
$this->message = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
In my template:
echo $message[0]['body'] ... outputs the text without line breaks
echo nl2br($message[0]['body']) ... no difference
... and I've tried every combination I could think of.
Is Doctrine doing something to line breaks that's affecting this, or is there something that I'm just missing?
Any help would be appreciated.