




I'm going to a talk by Bjarne Stroustrup. Does someone have a good question to ask him?

+2  A: 

What were you thinking?!?

You could copy Michael's questions to Tobey from The Office (US):Who do you think you are?What gives you the right?+1 for funny ;)
Nah, that question just proves you haven't read his "The Design and Evolution of C++".
Andreas Magnusson
+11  A: 

I wouldn't ask any of the ones answered in his faqs.

Tom Ritter
+11  A: 

As we move into a more IL/VM-centric development world for rapid application development, do you see C++ in the future there, or do you see C++ as more a systems-level and optimized application language?

Paul Nathan
Interesting question.
Actually, if you look at LLVM, you can treat C++ like a systems-level application language but get the benefit of a VM. So I think it's more of programming style rather than actual language modification/support.
Dean Michael
+3  A: 

do you think OOP is the best programming paradigm for large scale software systems?

OK I got it from here..

+1  A: 

C++ inspired Java and C#, but their success caused C++ not to take the role of The Language of The Future anymore, as C++ did during the late 80s and 90s.

What drives you to continue developing the language as its popularity is declining, and what is the point?

Stupid question, who gives a crap about popularity? It is still widely used in several domains, while some languages like Java and C# have supplanted it in others.
Not sure about "popularity" but the usage of C++ is rising, not declining, especialy in the embedded world.
Nemanja Trifunovic
+2  A: 

Sounds like a great opportunity you have.

I'd ask him a question you want an answer to, and one that only he can answer.

John at CashCommons

Why? Oh God? Why?

+5  A: 

I would watch his last conference before making an interview with him, at least questions section - during which he admitted that template metaprogramming is challenging and almost unnecessary to achieve, and I wonder if he is aware that c++ itself is already such a challenging one :S

His second confession, if I am not mistaken, was about auto keyword; he and one of his friends intended to add that keyword in 80's however C++ committee didn't accept their proposal. you could ask if there are any other refused proposals he intended to add before but will do for C++0x.


+5  A: 

Does he still think "libraries" are always the best way to make a language extensible?

What about better facilities for defining "domain specific languages" or (Lisp-style) macros?

(If he does still think libraries are the best way, what are his reasons?)

+6  A: 

I would ask him why he believes that C++, despite being aimed at system level programming, never caught on as the language of choice for the kernel-level of an operating system.

Faulty assumption. Many developers use C++ in kernel-level software development.
+7  A: 

What would you have done differently if you didn't have the following constraints:

  1. Writing a language that had to be implementable on 80's hardware. (Note: I'm talking strictly about the complexity and memory usage of the compiler itself. The idea is that C++'s niche would still be performance-oriented code.)
  2. Backwards compatibility with C.
+6  A: 

I would like to ask him how he sees C++'s future as far as supporting more metaprogramming is concerned -- not only static metaprogramming (template metaprogramming, preprocessor programming) but also dynamic metaprogramming (ruby-style monkey patching, runtime type introspection, decent reflection, and runtime type construction).

One other question I'd like to ask him is whether he sees any chance to get C++ compiler vendors and maybe the standards committe to standardize on an ABI.

Good luck with that interview!

Dean Michael
+1 Definitely curious about progress on a standard ABI
+1  A: 

I am actually at the conference (Software Development Best Practices) and believe it or not, Bjarne did answer some of these questions (including the ones like "why, oh why")

Nemanja Trifunovic
and the response was...? come on, we're curious out here!
Paul Nathan

Q: Where did you goto?

A: Beyond the C.

Q: And are you OK?

le dorfier