




I'm an experienced PHP web developer and am wanting to learn ASP.NET so that I can consider going for ASP.NET jobs.

I've looked at a few introduction to ASP.NET books but I always find that they start far to simple and cover the basics of HTML and general web development. I'm looking for learning resources that will help me make that transition as an experienced web developer.

Can anyone recommend any?

+4  A: 

This Wrox book is great as it includes VB and C# if you are not sure which you want to use.


If you want to get into MVC, just use the NerdDinner tutorial available for free at


A great tutorial, but it's in MVC 1.0. MVC 2.0 just came out so you won't get the latest, but you will get a very good understanding of MVC in ASP.NET

I understand the basics of the MVC design pattern but what is all this "webforms vs MVC" stuff that is going around at the moment about? Surely using the MVC pattern has always been available in ASP?
MVC is new to ASP.NET in terms of a official part of the framework. 1.0 just came out last year, so it's still fresh, but it's a big part of the future for ASP.NET. The "webform vs MVC" stuff is more about people wondering if they should invest their skills in one or the other. In my mind, you should know both if you are an ASP.NET developer, but others will disagree.
Why can't you just apply the MVC design pattern to websites built with webforms? I guess the official support for MVC in ASP.NET will make my journey more complex as I really need to build some projects in ASP.NET to start learning and have to decide whether I should use MVC of Webforms, but like you said I'm going to need to know both.
+1 for mentioning the wrox book. i do recommend it as well
You can't really apply MVC with webforms because of the way webforms work and postbacks effecting the way you would work with the "views" or in webforms case the aspx page. You can properly mimic a controller-view type setup, but you wouldn't be truly passing things to the views, so ultimately, it's a hacked MVC which kinda defeats the point. MVC official also makes RESTful URLs really simple and easy, not so easy with generic ASP.NET unless you are running the latest IIS in your production environment.
+1  A: 

There are many points you can start from. I think a good one could be this: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/asp-net/asp-net-for-php-developers/

followed by this: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/asp-net/asp-net-from-scratch-lesson-1/

You can also check the others tutorials: http://net.tutsplus.com/category/tutorials/asp-net/

Once you have gained a bit of confidence with the tools and the language basics (you also have to choose which language to learn, and I would personally advice you to choose C#, because from that one you can "jump" to almost any other mainstream OO language), you can go deeper into the language, because most of the job is done out of the asp page itself.


There are plenty of on the web. But I suggest to search mostly MSDN knowledge based articles, because they are very much consistent and almost without errors. Also I will advise to spend few bucks for the book, which is latest. I generally prefer the APRESS one. Start with small project (like beer project written in c#, and available in the codeplex), and learn to reverse engineer. My experience is, if you go random on the web and reading blogs, tips and trick, writing small programs, It would be difficult to move into .NET, in terms of job.

+1  A: 

The ASP.Net site has a lot of great and targeted video tutorials for both MVC and WebForms.


I always go to Microsoft MSDN resources for Microsoft related technologies and have always been statisfied.

  1. ASP.NET