



How can I create View on Linked Server db. For Example I have a linked server [] on []. Both db servers are SQL Sserver 2005. I want to create View on [] using table on linked server.


On creating using full name, [].db.dbo.table, I am getting this error.

SQL Execution Error.

Executed SQL statement: SELECT * FROM (YOu can see brackets are not there.) Error Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider Error Message: Incorrect syntax near '0.0'. ---> part of IP address.

alt text

I am just creating this in ManagementStudio, not using it because it is not created yet. I Have changed IP. In image you can see there are not brackets around IP but I given it and on error these brackets are removed.


+2  A: 

If the linked server is set up, you just reference tables on it using a four-part qualified name:


So if your linked server name is [], you can reference a table as:

David M
Thanks for your reply. Please see my Edit.
Muhammad Kashif Nadeem
+1  A: 

You need to use the four part qualified name: linkedserver.database.schema.table

SELECT * FROM [].Northwind.dbo.Customers

Here is an MSDN article about accessing object names.

You might want to try manually creating the view, rather than using the SQL Management tools:

CREATE VIEW [dbo].[sywx]
    SELECT  *
    FROM    [].Atia.dbo.IpPbxDCR

I also recommend that you use a name, if possible, for the linked server rather than using the IP address ( is reserved for the default network, and in your example 555.555.555.555 is not a valid IP address. Each number is an octet with a maximum of 255 and is used for broadcasts.)

Thanks for your reply. Please see my Edit.
Muhammad Kashif Nadeem

You can also just drag and drop the table/view object from the linked server into your view and Management Studio will create the four part reference for you.


You need to define a Linked Server before you can access it, since the linked server entry also contains the authentication details.

After creating a linked server, you can access its databases and their objects using the dot notation servername.database.[owner].object
