



+2  Q: 

Boost Jam vs Jam

I recently built the Boost libraries in Linux and noticed the package needed an executable called bjam in order to do the build. Is bjam related to jam? If it is related to jam, did they somehow extend (or even dumb-down) bjam? Is it used only for building Boost libraries or is it a general build tool for anything?

+1  A: 

Boost jam (bjam) is an extension, more like forked version, of perforce jam. It is not only for building Boost libraries. It can be used as a general build tool. There is also ft-jam for that matter. All incantations spawned from perforce jam based on my research of the tool. I believe Boost Jam V2 is so far removed from the original Perforce Jam implementation that they aren't the same tool except at a very, very high level.

C Johnson
+1  A: 

Boost.Jam originally was a slightly modified version of classic Jam. It gradually diverged very far. Boost.Jam is actually a low-level engine component of Boost.Build and is not meant to be used independently. Boost.Build is a general build tool, it's not tied to C++ Boost libraries in any way.

Vladimir Prus
If I ever release build tool I think I'll call it Boost.Jam.Build.