I have a task to implement "void makeAmbigram(char*)" that will print on screen ambigram of latin string or return something like 'ambigram not possible'. Guess it's just about checking if string contains only of SNOXZHI and printing string backwards. Or am I wrong ?
I'm a complete noob when dealing with cpp so that's what I've created :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char[] ret_str(char* s)
if(*s != '\0')
return s;
void makeAmbigram(char* c)
/* finding chars XIHNOZS and printing ambigram */
int main()
reversed = ret_str(words);
return 0;
I can reverse string but how to check if my reversed string contains only needed chars ? I've found some function but it's hard or even imposible to implement it for greater amount of chars : www.java2s.com/Code/C/String/Findcharacterinstringhowtousestrchr.htm