




I have a makefile from which I want to call another external bash script to do another part of the building. How would I best go about doing this.

+5  A: 

Just like calling any other command from a makefile:

target: prerequisites
    shell_script arg1 arg2 arg3

Regarding your further explanation:

.PHONY: do_script

    shell_script arg1 arg2 arg3

prerequisites: do_script

target: prerequisites 
Carl Norum
but I need to run the script before the prerequisites
@Matthew, then your makefile is set up incorrectly. Make a new `.PHONY` target that your prerequisites depend on, and run the script in that target.
Carl Norum
Edited with more for your case.
Carl Norum

Each of the actions in the makefile rule is a command that will be executed in a subshell. You need to ensure that each command is independent, since each one will be run inside a separate subshell.

For this reason, you will often see line breaks escaped when the author wants several commands to run in the same subshell:

        command_the_first foo bar baz
        command_the_second wibble wobble warble
        command_the_third which is rather too long \
            to fit on a single line so \
            intervening line breaks are escaped
        command_the_fourth spam eggs beans