




I have a query that is

ExcelQuery = "Update [Sheet1$] "
               +"set CITIZEN_ID = #" + value 
               + " where CITIZEN_ID = " + value; 

As you can see, I'm essentially just prepending a "#" to the CITIZEN_ID field. value is a int/numeric value. So if I had "256" in the CITIZEN_ID column it would be converted to "#256"

When I execute this I get an OleDbException Syntax error in date in query expression so I surrounded part of the query in single quotes like this,

ExcelQuery = "Update [Sheet1$] "
               +"set CITIZEN_ID = '#" + value + "' "
               +"where CITIZEN_ID = " + value; 

With that I get yet another OleDbException this time with, Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

I'm guessing for some reason the CITIZEN_ID fields don't want to take anything besides a plain number. Is there any way I can remedy this to get that pound symbol in?


+1  A: 

Can't you just change the number format so it shows a '#' before each number in the CITIZEN_ID field.

This doesn't solve your stated problem .. but it avoids it :-)

Update: This StackOverflow Question ( excel-cell-formatting) talks about cell formatting using C#

I suppose so. How would I go about this programmatically?
I've only done this from Perl .. what you need to do is change the cell's format. There will be an API to do this!
I'll get it figured out. Thank you!
+1  A: 

It sounds like you are trying to use SQL to INSERT a text value into a column which the DBMS (the Access Database Engine) sees as DOUBLE FLOAT and hence getting a type mismatch error. You may be able to change registry values to convince the engine to consider the column to be text, see:

External Data - Mixed Data Types

Thanks, I'll take a look!