





In my Mono (C#) project that is meant to be cross-platform, I am using the GTK for the UI. However one thing I noticed is, on my netbook in Archlinux, the performance is really speedy, so events such as mouse hover, and redrawing of widgets, etc, are really fast.

Compared to windows (7) on dual core CPUs, the performance is really really weak. Which perplexes me.

Am I doing something wrong that is warranting this difference in performance between OSes?

What are some ways I can do to optimize GTK on Windows? Its really bad to take around 0.5 secs for a hover event to kick in whereas its almost immediate on a weak(er) netbook with Linux.

My code is here for the GUI layer: http://code.google.com/p/subsynct/source/browse/branches/dev/subsync#subsync/GUI


+1  A: 

I would guess that the performance problems are in Cairo. I suggest you use gtkparasite in Linux to see where and when parts of your app are being redrawn and optimize that.

You could also use the free CLR Profiler from MS on Windows to find the hotspots in your app.
