Ive a simple linq query to return records with a null date field, just want to check the synatx of the "where" line is ok
var query2 = from cs in db.tblCases where cs.date_closed == null etc, etc,
thanks again
Ive a simple linq query to return records with a null date field, just want to check the synatx of the "where" line is ok
var query2 = from cs in db.tblCases where cs.date_closed == null etc, etc,
thanks again
Assuming your date_closed
property is of a nullable type, e.g. Nullable<DateTime>
aka DateTime?
, that should be fine.
I would be careful with using null, I have seen issues with linq not generating the correct sytnax (ex IS NULL vs ==null)
I would recommend
var query2 = from cs in db.tblCases where !cs.date_closed.HasValue etc, etc,