Never compare date columns by using CONVERT. To compare date only from a date time, use BETWEEN. Better still, use the DATE type for the column instead of DATETIME.
To filter a DataView, filter the query on which is based. Use a parametrized query:
INNER JOIN Temp_Order ON Book.Book_ID = Temp_Order.Book_ID
WHERE (Temp_Order.User_ID = @User_ID)
AND Temp_Order.OrderDate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate;
Pass the @User_ID as a parameter to the query: command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@User_ID", Convert.ToInt32(label.Text));
You can also obtain similar results using LINQ and converting the result to a DataView, see Filtering with DataView.
In addition to the string-based
filtering capabilities DataView also
provides the ability to use LINQ
expressions for the filtering
criteria. LINQ expressions allow for
much more complex and powerful
filtering operations than the
string-based filtering.
Whatever you do, don't use the DataView.RowFilter property.